April 30, 2015

Cover Reveal ~ The Tryst Series by Marie York

Tryst Series by Marie York
 Cover Reveal
April 30, 2015 


Dark and mysterious, Jaxon Reed is Lyla Scott’s living breathing sexual fantasy. There’s one problem, though. She's with Kyle, the love of her life. She shouldn't feel this way about anyone else, right? But when disaster strikes with Kyle, she can't help but wonder about Jax. Lyla doesn't usually do this, but could a steamy tryst be the answer to her heartbreak?

Goodreads Link

About the Author 

An American writer who works the corporate circuit by day but come nightfall transforms into a steamy writer. She loves the city life and a good cocktail.


April 29, 2015

Release Day Blitz ~ REVERB by Lisa Swallow

COVER ARTIST:  Najla Qamber at Najla Qamber Designs
IMAGE Stock Photo



Blue Phoenix drummer, Bryn Hughes, prefers a quiet life away from the spotlight. But that’s proving difficult when his life is complicated by three very different girls: 
Mia, the girl who doesn’t understand the word no. 

Avery, who wishes she’d said yes. 

And his forever girl

Add to this a secret that threatens to take decisions about the future out of Bryn’s hands, and Bryn’s reputation as the uncomplicated band member is over. 

The world of Blue Phoenix is changing and Bryn is on the edge. Following a failed attempt to win back the girl he loved and lost as a teen, a broken-hearted Bryn returns to England and discovers heiress, Mia Jordan, has moved herself into his apartment while he was away. Life just got hard. 

When Avery spills soup on a rock star at a wedding and suggests he removes his trousers, she doesn’t expect to see Bryn Hughes again unless he’s carrying a law suit. 
So when Bryn gatecrashes an evening with her friends the following day, what he does stuns her. 

Avery and Bryn begin an unlikely relationship but their growing closeness looks set to end. If Bryn’s heart still belongs to a different girl, and he’s about to tour with Blue Phoenix, a future together looks doubtful. 

But when a secret explodes, the effects reverberate through every aspect of Bryn’s world and deciding where his heart belongs becomes the least of Bryn’s problems.


“I can find plenty of girls to do whatever I want, but I want to do those things with you.” Bryn raises the eyebrow that accompanies any comment along these lines and my stomach tightens.
“Is that why you asked me out again, to see if I changed my mind?”
He sips his hot chocolate. “No. I mean yeah. Oh crap, stop confusing me.”
“Have you changed your mind, Bryn?”
“Nothing to change my mind about. I like you. I just warned you about me, that’s all.”
“And then kissed me.” I fix him with a steady gaze.
“You can tell a lot about how somebody feels if you kiss them.” Bryn returns my look and I refuse to back down even though my hormones go haywire at the promise held in his eyes.
“Was the kiss a test? 'How to tell if Avery likes me'?” I ask.
A smile slowly curves across his lips. “I'm already sure you like me, cariad.”
“Don't be so conceited!”
“Do you kiss every guy you meet like that? I’m shocked!”
“You kissed me!”
“And you kissed me back,” he says quietly. “Then you pinned me to the sofa. I was defenceless!”

I throw a chip at Bryn's head, hoping to diffuse the tension he's creating. “Stop it!”
Under the table, Bryn traps my leg between his, the strength of the muscled thigh holding me in place. “I want to keep seeing you while we're both in London, then we can see what happens at the end of the two weeks. What do you think?”
What do I think? Two weeks isn’t enough with a man who empties my head of everything but us when I’m with him, and who still runs red-hot through my blood when he’s not around. Each minute with Bryn is one closer to losing him again, each kiss sealing my fate. I’m in over my head, and I’m going to get hurt.
I spoon a melted marshmallow from my mug and slip it into my mouth. Bryn watches, eyes darkening before he reaches across and wipes chocolate from my lips. The sensation of his rough skin against my mouth vibrates the sexual tension into every nerve fibre and when he licks the chocolate from his finger, eyes focused on mine, the world drops away from everything but us.
There is no mistaking this man's intentions.
“I'm telling you right now, I will not have sex with you,” I blurt.
I sound like a broken record. Why do I have to keep telling him this? Because I’m telling myself at the same time?
He leans across the table. “Not even a little bit? I'll make sure you enjoy it.” His curls tickle my face and I shift back because his mouth is dangerously close to mine and I won't be able to keep my lips off him.
“Bryn! No! If that's why you want to see me, you're wasting your time.”
Bryn's expression smugly says 'I bet I'll change your mind'. With a few more kisses like the one earlier, I'm pretty sure he will.
“Okay, cariad.”
“Don't call me...” I huff. “Never mind. Can we talk about something else?”
Bryn looks around the restaurant as I force myself to keep eating, his natural ease around me not matched by the sick giddiness I slip into whenever I’m around him.
What is this we're doing? And more importantly, can I spend time with a man who I can't look at without remembering him semi-naked in a hotel room, and regret that I wasn't?
I don't know who's confusing me more, myself or Bryn. One thing is certain; I am not going home with this man tonight.



Lisa is an author of new adult romance and writes both paranormal and contemporary, including the best-selling Blue Phoenix series. 
Lisa is originally from the UK but moved to Australia in 2001 and now lives in Perth in Western Australia with her husband, three children and dog.





 (Lisa's Lounge)
(Sign up to my newsletter for a FREE and EXCLUSIVE serial –   
go on tour with Blue Phoenix and Ruby Riot!)

April 27, 2015

Guest Post and Giveaway ~ Linda Broday

A big My Book Chatter welcome to author Linda Broday and and she's brought a special guest along with her... welcome Rand Sinclair :)

Howdy, ma’am. I’m Rand Sinclair the middle brother in the Bachelors of Battle Creek series – Twice a Texas Bride.

1. Tell us about a special memory you have of your significant other that you’d never forget.

The thing I’ll never forget if I live to be a hundred is finding Callie Quin and six-year-old Toby hiding in an old outbuilding on my ranch in the dead of winter. They were half-frozen and starving but Callie came at me with fire in her eyes and a big club in her hand. Lord, she was a beautiful sight. Her fighting spirit was the thing that struck me about her. She was willing to die to protect Toby. I brought them into the house and got them warm and fed. I knew I had to keep her there somehow so I offered her a job as cook. She was running from something powerful bad. I found out later the outlaw Nate Fleming had her in his crosshairs.

2. What is the craziest thing you’d do to prove you love your partner?

After a night of lovemaking, I left Callie, who was my wife by then, sleeping. I got the baby and snuck down the stairs to the kitchen. After I fed Wren, I set to work making pancakes for breakfast so I could surprise Callie. Now, bear in mind that I don’t know the first thing about cooking. As the former owner of a saloon, I never had to learn. Anyway, my adopted son Toby tried to help, but the six-year-old, who was awful free with advice, proved to be just as green. We had eggs and flour and dough strung to high heaven. Callie came down in the middle of it all. I thought she’d be mad, but she just smiled (looking very rested I might add,) gave me a kiss that singed my toenails and told me she loved me.

3. What is your idea of perfect happiness?

A fire on a cold night, Callie by my side and our children safe and warm and happy. Not to mention the anticipation of having my wife in my arms later and kissing her like no tomorrow. That’s as perfect as it gets.

Twice a Texas Bride

By Linda Broday

Bachelors of Battle Creek, Book 2

Sourcebooks Casablanca

Historical Western Romance

May 5, 2015

ISBN: 9781492602842

$7.99 Mass Market Paperback

About the Book

“Linda Broday’s books always take me back to a west that feels true. Her love stories run deep with emotion. A delightful read.” —Jodi Thomas, New York Times bestselling author of Promise Me Texas

Callie leaned into him, borrowing his strength. “I’m so tired of being scared, Rand.”

“Running away won’t change that. Trust me with your secrets. There’s no reason to hold back any longer.”

She knew he was right. It was time to come clean.

“Start with your name,” he said.

Left with emotional scars from his time in an orphanage, Rand Sinclair has vowed never to marry. But when he discovers Callie Quinn and a small orphan boy hiding on his ranch, he can’t help but open his home to the desperate runaways.

Callie has been betrayed by every man she’s ever known. While she’s grateful for Rand’s incredible kindness, she knows it’s only a matter of time before he shows his true colors. But she needs this safe haven—maybe the outlaw on her trail won’t find them here. Yet as Rand slowly uncovers her secret fears, they each come to realize that the only way to keep her safe is for Rand to risk everything to offer her the protection of his name…and his heart.

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Excerpt from TWICE A TEXAS BRIDE by Linda Broday

Toby barreled out the kitchen door, trailed by Biscuit. “What’cha doin’?”

“Hi, pardner.” Brett ruffled Toby’s dark hair. “I brought you something.”

“What is it?”

“Your very own tepee.”

“To keep?” Toby’s eyes widened and his big grin spread.

“Maybe. We’ll see how it goes. If you mind your elders, you can keep it. If not, I’ll have to take it back.”

“I’m the best boy in the whole world.”

Brett’s grunt seemed to say that time would tell as he arranged twelve long poles on the ground and began tying the tops of three together with a length of rawhide. “Where do you want to put this, Rand?”

“Let’s move it over by the woodpile, where it’s out of the way.” He was going to be the only white man with an Indian tepee on his ranch. How had this sorry state of affairs come to pass? But he wouldn’t say no. It meant too much to Brett and to Toby.

Callie came from the house looking fit to be tied. “Hello, Brett. I hope this isn’t what it looks like.”

“Miss Callie, I wanted something special for Toby to play in, that’s all. If you draw the line at him sleeping out here, that’s all right. It’s up to you to decide when and how often you want the boy to use it.” Brett gave her a smile. “I’d never undermine you.”

“This could be very magical to a child,” Rand said gently.

“Please, ma’am?” Toby begged. “I wanna be an Indian.”

Biscuit gave a loud whine and spun around in a circle as though she too was adding her two cents’ worth.

“Please?” Toby persisted.

When she lifted her eyes to Rand, he gave her a lopsided grin and a wink. Getting tangled up in her warm whiskey gaze could be quite pleasurable, he found.

“Oh, all right.” Callie threw up her hands. “But I won’t have you sleeping out here, young man. You’ll play in it only when I give you permission. And you’ll have chores to do each day before you can play. Understand?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“It’s too dangerous out here at night anyway, with that mountain lion hanging around,” Rand said. “I’ll keep an eye on him during the day. I don’t want you to worry.”

Toby hugged Callie, then threw his arms around Brett’s waist. “Thank you. I’m glad we came here.”

Brett returned Toby’s hug, then knelt to rub Biscuit’s head. “Now tell me where you got such a fine-looking animal.”

Rand stood watching the pint-sized squirt relay what little facts he knew. He already loved this little kid. Whatever had happened to them, it made him happy that he could help bring a light to the boy’s eyes. He remembered how dull they’d been when he’d first found them in the run-down bunkhouse last week. His mind turned back time to the days following his, Cooper’s, and Brett’s escape from the orphan train. To avoid detection, they’d slept during the day and traveled by the light of the moon, eating food whenever they found some or managed to kill a rabbit or squirrel. Cooper was always the one to watch over them and fight when things called for it. He’d once tried to kill Tolbert Early in a bathhouse for attacking Brett.

Toby had that same protective instinct. Rand only prayed he could help the boy stay a boy a while longer. Once you became a man, you could never go back.

“Where are you, brother?” Brett asked.

“Just thinking that you’d best explain what we need to do.”

With Biscuit supervising and pretty much getting in the way, they all pitched in erecting the tepee, which was made from buffalo hide.

Working side by side with Callie proved the best part. Each time their hands touched, a current ran up Rand’s arm. He couldn’t imagine what might happen if the touching involved a bed and the scent of night around them. He’d probably just explode faster than a load of nitroglycerin. Likely find pieces of him three states over.

The haunted look had begun to fade from her eyes a little, and she wasn’t as tense and anxious as when they first arrived.

Maybe, just maybe, the fear would be gone soon.

And then he intended to kiss the daylights out of her.

Of course he’d go slow. He closed his eyes and watched it play out in his head.

He’d start by kissing each eyelid, then move to her shell-like ears and trail kisses down her long slender throat.

Tiny nibbles at the corners of her mouth.

Trace the seam with his tongue.

Breathe her fragrance.

Whisper tender words.

Only then would he press his lips fully against hers and take all that she wanted to give.

And then…


It took a minute to sink in that someone was trying to get his attention. “What?”

“Where did you go?” Brett asked. “I need you to help me get these sewn buffalo hides around this tripod and cone I’ve made. Of course, if you’d rather take a nap—”

“Just show me what to do,” Rand snapped.

As they worked, Rand’s gaze kept straying to Callie’s soft, round curves. The woman was going to be the death of him yet.

Even so, he was realizing he’d die a happy man if he could only get a taste of her lips.


It was strange how a day could go south quicker than a steam locomotive on a downhill slope...

Rancher Cooper Thorne thinks his life is finally on an even keel. But when mail-order bride Delta Dandridge steps off the stagecoach and claims he sent for her, he scrambles to set her straight. The tempestuous woman makes him see red and also challenges all his vows to remain a bachelor. It turns out Delta Dandridge is going to set Cooper Thorne straight about a few things...

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| Kobo<https://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/texas-mail-order-bride>

About the Author

Linda Broday now resides in the panhandle of Texas on the Llano Estacado. At a young age, she discovered a love for storytelling, history, and anything pertaining to the Old West. Cowboys fascinate her. There’s something about Stetsons, boots, and tall rugged cowboys that get her fired up! A New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Linda has won many awards, including the prestigious National Readers’ Choice Award and the Texas Gold Award. She blogs regularly at www.PetticoatsandPistols.com<http://www.PetticoatsandPistols.com>.

Connect with Linda Broday

Website – www.LindaBroday.com<http://www.LindaBroday.com>

Twitter – https://twitter.com/lbroday

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/lindabrodayauthor

Goodreads – www.goodreads.com/Linda_Broday

Praise for Linda Broday

“Broday understands the West and its lure. Without stinting on the gritty reality of a rough Texas life, she brings strong characters and deep emotions into a very realistic western romance that pulls no punches.”—RT Book Reviews, 4 stars, on Redemption

“Linda Broday is a wonderfully talented author, who has a knack for bringing the west to life.”—Roundtable Reviews

“Broday’s style of storytelling is captivating; readers become emotionally involved in her stories, and are not disappointed with the outcomes.”—The Best Reviews

“A compelling tale... sure to touch western romance fans seeking a sentimental love story.”—RT Book Reviews, 3 stars, on The Cowboy Who Came Calling

Rafflecopter Giveaway

3 copies of TEXAS MAIL ORDER BRIDE (Book 1)

Open 4/27 – 6/1

Cover Reveal ~ Reaper's Fall by Joanna Wylde

Reaper's Fall is the newest standalone in the Reaper's MC Series.
Painter & Melanie's story will be available on November 10th and 
is currently up for Pre-order!

Pre-order available at the following retailers:

Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1DsDyRt 


He never meant to hurt her.

Levi “Painter” Brooks was nothing before he joined the Reapers motorcycle club. The day he patched in, they became his brothers and his life. All they asked in return was a strong arm and unconditional loyalty—a loyalty that’s tested when he’s caught and sentenced to prison for a crime committed on their behalf.

Melanie Tucker may have had a rough start, but along the way she’s learned to fight for her future. She’s escaped from hell and started a new life, yet every night she dreams of a biker whose touch she can’t forget. It all started out so innocently—just a series of letters to a lonely man in prison. Friendly. Harmless. Safe.

Now Painter Brooks is coming home… and Melanie’s about to learn that there’s no room for innocence in the Reapers MC.

April 23, 2015

Release Day Blitz ~ Everything by Melissa Pearl

Everything (A Songbird novel, Book 3) by Melissa Pearl
Release Day Blitz
April 23, 2015


Jody Pritchett had a dream...but life had other plans. Instead of singing and dancing on Broadway, Jody's a twenty-year-old single mom, living at home with her disapproving father and overbearing sister. The choice to keep her little Angelia came with a high price and although she adores her baby girl, it doesn't take away the sting of kissing goodbye her chance at a career on the stage. Leo Sinclair had his own dream...but got lost along the way. After a failed marriage that left him hollow and downtrodden, the Australian songwriter wonders what joy his future could possibly hold. Encouraged by the one family member who doesn't think he's a failure, Leo decides to stop living the life everyone expects him to and start chasing his dreams again. When the perfect opportunity comes knocking, Leo leaves Australia behind and hops a flight to LA. With his sights set on selling a musical to a Broadway producer, Leo is determined to finally realize his life-long dream. But life gets in the way again, when he spots a young mother outside his apartment in tears. He never realized how one person, one voice, and one Angel could have him contemplating abandoning his dreams once again. As these two burned hearts wrestle to overcome their past struggles, Leo and Jody must decide what dreams are worth clinging to...because, sometimes, everything you want is not everything you need.
About the Author

Melissa Pearl was born in Auckland, New Zealand, but has spent much of her life abroad, living in countries such as Jordan, Cyprus and Pakistan... not to mention a nine month road trip around North America with her husband. "Best. Year. Ever!!" She now lives in China with her husband and two sons. She is a trained elementary teacher, but writing is her passion. Since becoming a full time mother she has had the opportunity to pursue this dream and her debut novel hit the internet in November 2011. Since then she has continued to produce a steady stream of books. Recently she signed with Evatopia Press and her first Evatopia book is coming out in February 2014 - True Colors, The Masks Series #1. She is very excited to be trying out new things this year while continuing to publish under her own name as well. She has six books planned for 2014 and is excited about writing each and every one of them.

April 21, 2015

Matter Of Time by Alannah Lynne


Alannah Lynne
Matter of Time (Heat Wave #5)
Matter of Time - Alannah Lynne

Some might think the phrase, “you complete me” is a just cheesy line from the movies, but Lizbeth Sanders knows better…  
In MATTER OF TIME, Lizbeth has spent the past fifteen years desperately searching for someone to fill the void left by Logan Steele’s disappearance from her life. However, rather than finding love and happiness, all she’s found is disappointment, heartache, and an ever-present longing for the man she can never have. Fifteen years ago, Logan Steele left the woman he loved to marry his high school sweetheart and be a father to the child he didn’t know he had. He’s always tried to do the honorable thing, to be a good husband and a great father, but despite his sacrifices and best efforts, the shaky foundation of his marriage crumbles and falls apart. When his identical twin surprises him with a reintroduction to Lizbeth, Logan feels like he’s been given a second chance—at life and love. But a lot can change in fifteen years, and after hurting her so badly the first time, building trust isn't just hard, it’s nearly impossible—especially when duty and obligation pulls him away again.

Click here to enter our Heat Wave Series contest!

She couldn’t logically think through something that was ninety-nine percent emotional, but what if she took the emotion out of it? What if she reduced them to a baser, primal level, like animals circling each other in the wild? A dog in heat didn’t study the neighbor’s Doberman and wonder if he would be around the next day. The bitch rolled over, allowed him to take what he wanted, and enjoyed the hell out of it. Comparing her and Logan to dogs seemed ridiculous, but that was the only way she knew to cope with the overwhelming magnitude of the situation. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she slowly, tentatively reached out to him. With a barely-there touch, she pressed her index finger to the edge of his forehead, drew it across the unfamiliar scar at his temple, then down to the one intersecting his upper lip. He closed his eyes and moaned as a shudder shook his torso and his head fell back on his neck. Seeing him respond to her touch as strongly as ever gave her the courage to continue her exploration. Using a whisper-soft touch designed to drive him crazy, she traced the outline of his upper lip, then pulled a long, slow sweep along the bottom one. Her breath caught in her throat and she gasped in surprise as his lips parted and his teeth latched onto her finger, capturing her in the velvety heat of his mouth. His tongue wrapped around her and he sucked once… twice… a third time. The force of the suction shot through her arm, into her chest, and dropped into her sex with the heat and intensity of an atomic bomb. Good, so freaking good, just as always with him. Simple caresses and touches were more powerful and intimate than full-on sex with anyone else, and she closed her eyes and allowed the carnal energy swirling between them to carry her away. As the room spun and she grew lightheaded, like being caught in a massive vortex, a terrifying thought jumped into her brain. What if the past fifteen years hadn’t been a nightmare, but this was nothing more than a dream? If so, it was the best, most realistic dream she’d ever experienced, and she prayed she never woke up. She cracked her eyes open and watched his nostrils flare as the heat continued to build between them. She needed to be closer. To taste him. To feel him pressed against her. Scooting to the edge of her seat, she pressed her knees between his legs and smiled as his eyes flashed hotter and his chest rose and fell rapidly. His mouth was masterful, and while the suction on her finger did crazy things to her entire body, it wasn’t enough. When she tugged on her hand, drawing him closer while also indicating she wanted him to let her go, he released her finger with a loud pop. The sound was like a starting gun, and in the next instant, his lips crashed down on hers, hot, hard, and demanding. Logan had always been sexually dominant, but this… this was unlike anything she remembered. One hand slid through the hair at her temple, then wrapped around the back of her head and held her in place while he angled his head and deepened the kiss. His tongue thrust in and out of her mouth, harsh and nearly punishing, and when he nipped on her bottom lip, both of them groaned with the pleasurable familiarity. The past fifteen years melted away, and she was a twenty-year-old girl again, standing in his bedroom, getting ready to crawl into his bed for the first time. They’d kept their relationship platonic for a year, respecting the boundary constraining them because of his off-and-on relationship with Bobbi Jo. But the night he came back to school and told Lizbeth he and Bobbi Jo had broken things off for good, it took less than thirty minutes to ditch their friends at the restaurant and make their way back to his condo. His hands tangled in her hair and held her head in place as he ravished her mouth. She clawed at his shirt, trying to get to the hard muscle and soft skin beneath. She couldn’t get close enough, fast enough, and desperation had her whimpering into his mouth. When he drew back to grab a breath, she latched onto him to keep him close. “More. I need more.”

2013PromophotoAbout Alannah Lynne: Alannah believes there's nothing more magical than finding the other half of your soul, experiencing fiery passion, and knowing you've found happily-ever-after. She loves going to work each day (in sweats and a T-shirt) and writing about hot heroes and feisty heroines who torment each other in the most delicious ways before finding their happy ending. She lives in the coastal region of North Carolina with her husband, who also happens to be her best friend and biggest fan. They have two sons, a dog, and two cats.

Find Alannah Online:
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