I can be brutally honest which often gets me in to hot water, but I am never disrespectful. I may be opinionated, but I am more than willing to listen to the opinions of others. If you have something to say about a book, feel free to say it here - I will.
August 27, 2015
Making Changes
After book blogging for almost five years, writing online articles, beta reading, proof reading, taking on a personal assistant roll with an author, forming a promotional company and running author services, and wearing so many hats that I sometimes forget where I've lain them all - it's time to pull back. In fact it's probably time for a well earned vacation, but for now it's time to reel everything back in.
When I first started out with My Book Chatter, it was just about the joy of reading. Of finding a great book and telling the world (or my little slice of it) all about it. Of finding new authors, talking to like minded friends, discussing and sharing thoughts and ideas... but things changed some time ago, and not necessarily for the better.
The way we blog in general has changed, just about everyone is talking about, blogging about, social media-ing up the same book, movie, the next best-thing. It's as though bloggers now have set in stone rules to follow, a kind of conformity which in turn is making us all robotic - it just seems all the same; everyone is reading - blogging - doing the same damn thing!
And while I'll never loose my love of books and reading, I've definitely lost the passion for almost everything else. Some of that can be attributed to outside influences, innumerable new authors and books flooding the market, but mostly I'm just burnt out... and bored. And boredom is pretty much a death knell for a book blogger!
So it's time to make a change... and the time to make those changes is now!
From September I will no longer be jumping on every cover reveal, book blitz and blog tour that comes my way. I will be shutting the doors on Book Chatter Promotions (except for a couple of tours I've committed to later this year). I will no-longer accept any books for review (unless it's from friends who know I'll always read their work) and I'll start removing all tabs on the blog pertaining to those things.
I'm stripping My Book Chatter back down to it's original bones.
A place for me to periodically post book reviews and randoms thoughts about books.
Simple - unfettered by outside influences - my own thoughts in my own words.
I never started out to be the same as everyone else and yet, that's exactly what happened.
Hopefully by doing this, I'll again find my true voice, rekindle that love of reading and reviewing, of sharing my sometimes too close-to-the-bone opinion. And that in of itself is exciting - I've missed that part of me!
Do I expect to loose friends and followers etc... of course.
But that's how you find out who your true friends are, they stick by you when you need them most, when you're at your most vulnerable, your most unattractive.
So there you have it - the demise of a bog standard book blog and (hopefully) the re-awakening of a solitary voice in an over-crowded room.
Back to Basics,
Book Chatter Promotions,
Making Changes,
My Book Chatter,
Strip it back,
The End is Nigh,
The O.G,
August 19, 2015
Blog Tour ~ Illicit Angels by Alicia Taylor
Title: Illicit Angels.
Author: Alicia Taylor.
Genre: Dark Romantic Suspense.
Release date: August 15th 2015.
Warning! This book isn’t your typical romance. It’s dark, dirty, and dangerous. This series contains dark subject matter, including sexual abuse, kidnapping, torture, rape and murder. 18+ only.
This story is part of a six part series, each approx. 50-60k words in length.
Add to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23148447-illicit-angels
Purchase Links:
Walking into my
room, I find Envy sleeping in my bed, still bound. She looks like a goddess in
slumber, and I hate to wake her, but there is no time for sleeping. And there
it is again. Time. I don’t have time for anything. I can’t plan anything in
this life. There is no time for killers. We live our lives on borrowed time.
The minute I gave myself over to the beast and embraced my inner savage, I gave
up the rights to live a normal life. Envy deserves a normal life. Seeing her
look so peaceful gives me a sense of peace, but that’s just stolen time. I can
never give her what she wants or needs.
But I’m going
to take it.
I’m going to
take her.
She’s mine.
Call me a
selfish bastard. I don’t give a fuck. For the second time in my shit life, I’ve
found peace again. Forgive me for wanting to keep that. I know it’s wrong and
it’s twisted. But she’s mine.
I won’t let her
Envy jumps when
I nudge her foot, sitting upright in an instant. She glowers at me. “A sock.
Really? Untie me,” she demands. I quickly unknot the sock and throw it to the
floor. I drop my purchases onto the bed and nod my head at them. Her eyes stay
trained on me, and she doesn’t move. I nod my head at them again and throw her
a grunt. Folding her arms, she raises a brow in question and still refuses to
open the bags. All she did was draw my attention to her tits pushed against her
arms. She may be my peace, but she also gives my beast all the power. When I’ve
fucked a woman in the past, it’s been for me. The beast hasn’t found any
pleasure. With Envy, he roars to mate; he prowls and puffs out his chest,
trying to impress her. My beast wants her, but I can’t give him that control
yet. I need to know she’s strong enough. I can’t speak to her in this state. If
I do, then she will know how much I’m holding myself back. My cock is
throbbing, desperate to be deep inside her. I want to fill her until she can’t
be without me. I want her to breathe for me. When I accept her peace, I
give up control of everything else. The beast could spring.
About the Author:
I was born and raised in the East I live with my family and mass of animals - I'm a huge family and animal lover. Writing powerful love stories and creating Alpha males with a dash of darkness has become a passion of mine, and I have many stories and characters swirling in my head that I can't wait to share with you all. Is it weird to have so many voices in my head? I'm not crazy, I promise... maybe a little bit.
Connect with me:
Alicia Taylor,
Blog Tour,
Illicit Angels
August 16, 2015
Release Blitz ~ Illicit Angels by Alicia Taylor
Title: Illicit Angels.
Author: Alicia Taylor.
Genre: Dark Romantic Suspense.
Release date: August 15th 2015.
Warning! This book isn’t your typical romance. It’s dark, dirty, and dangerous. This series contains dark subject matter, including sexual abuse, kidnapping, torture, rape and murder. 18+ only.
This story is part of a six part series, each approx. 50-60k words in length.
Add to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23148447-illicit-angels
Purchase Links:
Eternity.” His voice has a deep baritone, and it seems to vibrate deep in my
bones. “Please come and take a seat.” His tone holds no room for argument and I
find my feet taking me to sit in the chair across from him before my brain
registers the motion. “I’m going to tell you how things work here. I don’t want
you to speak. You will hear me out, and I will answer any questions you have
after I’ve finished. Do you understand?” I nod my head, too afraid to speak.
This man is pure evil. It emanates from him in dark clouds, covering me in
shadows. He seems to loom over me but that’s impossible; he’s five feet away
from me.
“I’m going to
tell you a story. This is your story. When I’ve finished it, you will
understand what we expect of you. Okay?” At my nod, he begins my story. “A long
time ago, your father approached me. He made a deal with me, and you were the
promise. You became club property, but this deal had conditions. I accepted all
your father’s conditions and everything was running smoothly. That was, until
you fucking disappeared. Vanished into thin air,” he says. Black Eyes takes a
deep breath through his nose, and his jaw clenches tightly. “That deal was
broken the minute you went underground. When you resurfaced, I came for what
was mine.”
I try to
process his words. If what he’s saying is the truth, then Carlos was right. My
daddy did sell me. But he thinks I’ve been underground, whatever that means. If
it means what I think it does, then he is crazy. This isn’t some mob story.
This is my life.
“What was–” I
don’t get to finish my question. Black Eyes stands, knocking his leather seat
back against the wall. He slams his hands on his desk, and the noise bounces
around the room, echoing. I hold my breath and wait for him to speak.
“I said you
speak when I’ve fucking finished. You said you understood. If you don’t, little
girl, then I will make you understand. I’ll fucking gag you. Keep your mouth
shut, otherwise I’ll make you. We clear?” he growls. His voice rises, anger
lacing his words. My breath hitches, but I remain silent. “Good girl,” he says
in a calmer voice. “Illicit Angels is exactly what it implies in the title.
Rich men pay an exorbitant amount of money to fuck beautiful girls – beautiful
Angels, to be more precise. It’s indecent. It’s immoral. It’s illicit.”
“Rich men buy
their way in but, occasionally, we allow a promise. A promise is a sale. We get
the gift of a new girl. They gain entry. When a promise is broken, we end that
promise. A long time ago, you should have been taken out. Wiped out,” he
hisses. “You disappeared before that could happen. Now that you’re back in our
clutches and I can see your potential, there are a few choices to make,
Eternity. You see, I want that promise back, but a new deal had to be struck. I
can’t just take a promise back. It would be bad for business. In this life, you
should already be dead.”
My brain swirls
with questions, but I’m frozen. Stuck in his story. What choices are there? My
daddy wanted into this club? He wanted to cheat on my mum? Why would he want to
come here? Surely, if he wanted to cheat, then he could have picked up a
mistress. He didn’t need to sell me. He chose to. Hate and hurt
ripples through my veins, hot and swift.
“You get six
months before you’re claimed, Eternity,” Black Eyes says, drawing my attention
back to him. “Six months to make a good impression. You can’t be a promise, but
you can be a new Angel. For the first month, the bidders can only look
at you and touch bare skin. The next two months, they can taste you. Give you
untold pleasure,” he says nonchalantly. Black Eyes speaks as if we’re
discussing the bloody weather, and his cool demeanour makes me want to scream. I
don’t want goddamn pleasure. “The following three months they can give and
receive pleasure. They’ll teach you how they like it and you will learn
to submit to their every demand. Their every need. At the six-month mark, they
will bid. The winning bidder will own you. You will become theirs to control,
theirs to use, theirs to do with as they damn well please. I’m sure their first
order of business will be to strip you of your virginity. That little lining
inside will make you pussy gold. They’ll pay a pretty penny for you. There is
one slight problem. Your promise wants you, and it seems he’s willing to stake
his claim now. You have six months to make your decision, Eternity. You can
persuade a bidder to want you enough to go up against Justice, or you can face
the man himself and accept your fate. Justice won’t let you go. He’ll fight
until you’re his. You have to decide which route to follow. Both will result in
you being Justice’s, but you can fight for something better. I’m not sure
you’re strong enough to withstand Justice’s darkness.”
Once he’s finished talking, he just stares at
me, captivating me with his pitch black eyes. I want to speak, but I’m not sure
if he’s testing me so I stay quiet. Black Eye’s smirks and nods his head.
“Good girl,” he
praises. It was a test! “Do you understand what is to happen over the
next six months?” I nod my head but still don’t say a word. “Do you accept these
terms?” Black clouds swamp my mind. This is all too much. I don’t want any of
this. I didn’t choose any of this, and I won’t accept it. But I’m too scared to
answer him. A chill darts down my spine when anger twists his face at my
non-response, and a frisson of fear, cold and brewing, unfurls in my stomach.
“Do. You. Accept. These. Fucking. Terms?” he spits, each word separated and
angry. When I still don’t answer, he storms around his desk to stand beside me.
I flinch, expecting a blow, but none comes. I peek up at him and find him
panting in rage. “Speak,” he growls.
“What if…” I
pause, clearing my throat. My mouth is dry and terror is overwhelming me. “What
if I don’t accept?” I ask, hesitantly. Black Eyes laughs at me, a sparkle of
delight fills his soulless gaze.
“Well, here is
your problem. I was made a promise, and that promise wasn’t fulfilled. I want
the debt paid. I was promised a daughter, and I’m going to have one. I know
Rivera has two daughters,” he drawls, pausing to let his words sink in. My eyes
widen when I get where he’s going with this. I shake my head. This can’t be
happening. “Little Nevaeh is acceptable as payment, but I thought you would
want to accept the fate your father gave you rather than subject your baby
sister to it. I’m more than happy to have Nevaeh in your place if you don’t
“No,” I gasp.
Emotion, swift and violent, rushes through me. I’ve spent the last four years
protecting my sister. I won’t let it all be for nothing. “I’ll do it,” I weep.
“I’ll stay.”
“I thought you
might,” he replies, smugly. “Now you just have to decide if you’re going to
fight for your place or be consumed by Justice.”
“Who is
Justice?” I whisper, brokenly.
“He’s someone
who will destroy you, little girl. You’re not strong enough to be with him.
Justice will swallow you whole.”
“Why?” I choke.
“Because you
made him feel,” he empathises. “But I can see you’re not strong enough.
If you break at this point, then you are too weak to go against him.”
About the Author:
I was born and raised in the East I live with my family and mass of animals - I'm a huge family and animal lover. Writing powerful love stories and creating Alpha males with a dash of darkness has become a passion of mine, and I have many stories and characters swirling in my head that I can't wait to share with you all. Is it weird to have so many voices in my head? I'm not crazy, I promise... maybe a little bit.
Connect with me:
Alicia Taylor,
Illicit Angels,
Release Blitz
August 15, 2015
Release Blitz ~ Innocence by Holly J Gill
Quote: ‘Don’t make promises you cannot keep!’ Calvin Edwards, has everything he could dream about, perfect lifestyle, running the family real-estate company back in London. He takes a holiday up North to visit his parents, only when out walking on his parents land, he finds a young pregnant woman attempting to take her life. Calvin wishes to help, becoming a friend through her troubles, only fears he’s out of his depth, let alone discovers his past comes back to life, sending his life crashing. Kacey is pregnant and her life is out of control, with nowhere left to go. She descends on her mum for one last chance for help, only the door is slammed in her face. At her wits end, alone, scared and helpless until Calvin comes along. He becomes a dear friend giving her kindness. Only what she’d pushed to the back of her mind through selfish pain, is back. Her past has come back to life!
About The Author

Stalker Links for the Author
Holly J Gill,
Release Blitz
August 13, 2015
Blog Tour ~ Lukas by Carian Cole
Book Title: Lukas (Ashes & Embers #3)
Author: Carian Cole
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: July 30, 2015
Hosted by: Book Fancy
Storm’s younger cousin. Vandal’s little brother. You’ve met him in the background. The sweet one. The nice one. The one they can all rely on. The good one. He’s a tattoo artist. He plays metal and classical music - on the violin. He’s got a body built for sin. He’s 24. In comes Ivy. She’s a 36 year old single mom who hasn’t dated in 18 years. All she wanted was a tattoo. She got a helluva lot more :) Being good has never been so bad.
Storm (Ashes & Embers #1) Buy Links:
Vandal (Ashes & Embers #2) Buy Links:
I have a passion for the bad boys, those covered in tattoos, sexy smirks, ripped jeans, fast cars, motorcycles and of course, the sweet girls that try to tame them and win their hearts. My debut series, Ashes & Embers, follows the lives of rock band members as they find, and sometimes lose, the loves of their lives.
My first novel in the Ashes & Embers series, Storm, was published in September of 2014 and book 2, Vandal, was published in February 2015 with several more of this series planned throughout 2015.
Born and raised a Jersey girl, I now reside in beautiful New Hampshire with my husband and our multitude of furry pets and spend most of my time writing, reading, and vacuuming.Review Tour ~ Promises to Keep by Maegan Beaumont
Title: Promises to Keep (Sabrina Vaughn #3)
Author: Maegan Beaumont
Release Date: August 8th 2015
Publisher: Midnight Ink
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Publisher: Midnight Ink
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For three years, Michael O'Shea has been forced to act as a personal assassin for Livingston Shaw, the cold-blooded puppet master who controls the remote bioweapon implanted in Michael's back. When Shaw offers to release him if he can recover a kidnapped child, Michael works with every ounce of his being to put the pieces together before all the witnesses are murdered.
Meanwhile, police Inspector Sabrina Vaughn--the woman Michael passionately loves but has been kept from seeing--discovers the body of a little boy that bears a striking resemblance to the missing child. Against all his instincts, Michael must draw Sabrina into his life as one of the world's most notorious assassins if he's to overcome the legacy of his bloodthirsty past.
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Amazon US
As she has a knack for doing - Maegan Beaumont sucked me into the third installment of her Sabrina Vaughn series straight away and I basically didn't move until I'd devoured it!
All of my favorites characters are back to help - and sometimes hinder - Sabrina and Michael as they again face off against a common enemy.
The perfect blend of suspense, mystery, romance and thrilling action came together in Promises to Keep, taking me on an exhilarating ride that had me hanging on to my nerves by a thread!
And that ending - oh boy! I don't want to give anything away but man, I simply could not contain my joy, excitement, torment; my poor overworked heart simply could not take all the feels!!
Maegan Beaumont's smooth and evocative writing is on point, I have been left satisfied and yet I'm so darn hungry for more - I am desperate for more Sabrina and Michael.
I'm emotionally drained but buzzing from the thrill of it - Promises to Keep is a 5 star read.
All of my favorites characters are back to help - and sometimes hinder - Sabrina and Michael as they again face off against a common enemy.
The perfect blend of suspense, mystery, romance and thrilling action came together in Promises to Keep, taking me on an exhilarating ride that had me hanging on to my nerves by a thread!
And that ending - oh boy! I don't want to give anything away but man, I simply could not contain my joy, excitement, torment; my poor overworked heart simply could not take all the feels!!
Maegan Beaumont's smooth and evocative writing is on point, I have been left satisfied and yet I'm so darn hungry for more - I am desperate for more Sabrina and Michael.
I'm emotionally drained but buzzing from the thrill of it - Promises to Keep is a 5 star read.

Past horrors bleed into a present day nightmare
Fifteen years ago, a psychotic killer abducted seventeen year old Melissa Walker. For 83 days she was raped and tortured before being left for dead in a deserted church yard... But she was still alive.
Melissa begins a new life as homicide inspector, Sabrina Vaughn. With a new face and a new name, it's her job to hunt down murderers and it's a job she does very well.
When Michael O'Shea, a childhood acquaintance with a suspicious past, suddenly finds her, he brings to life the nightmare Sabrina has long since buried.
Believing that his sister was recently murdered by the same monster who attacked Sabrina, Michael is dead set on getting his revenge--using Sabrina as bait.
Purchase Link
Amazon US
Fifteen years ago, a psychotic killer abducted seventeen year old Melissa Walker. For 83 days she was raped and tortured before being left for dead in a deserted church yard... But she was still alive.
Melissa begins a new life as homicide inspector, Sabrina Vaughn. With a new face and a new name, it's her job to hunt down murderers and it's a job she does very well.
When Michael O'Shea, a childhood acquaintance with a suspicious past, suddenly finds her, he brings to life the nightmare Sabrina has long since buried.
Believing that his sister was recently murdered by the same monster who attacked Sabrina, Michael is dead set on getting his revenge--using Sabrina as bait.
Purchase Link
Amazon US
Sacrificial Muse (Book #2)
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She is his muse, and the
fates require sacrifice.
San Francisco Detective Sabrina Vaughn is able to shrug off the nine red roses being delivered to her office every day. But when only eight roses arrive on the same day a Berkeley student's mutilated body is found, Sabrina fears that the killer is taunting her. Forced into a partnership with a deceitful reporter who somehow remains one step ahead of her, Sabrina discovers that she's the object of a psychopath's twisted delusion . . . and there may be no escape.
Purchase Link
Amazon US
A native Phoenician, Maegan’s stories are meant to make you wonder what the guy standing in front of you in the Starbucks line has locked in his basement, and feel a strong desire to sleep with the light on.
When she isn’t busy fulfilling her duties as Domestic Goddess for her high school sweetheart turned husband, Joe, and their four children, she is locked in her office with her computer, her coffee pot and her Rhodesian Ridgeback, and one true love, Jade.
Twitter ~ Blog ~ Goodreads ~ Website ~ Facebook
San Francisco Detective Sabrina Vaughn is able to shrug off the nine red roses being delivered to her office every day. But when only eight roses arrive on the same day a Berkeley student's mutilated body is found, Sabrina fears that the killer is taunting her. Forced into a partnership with a deceitful reporter who somehow remains one step ahead of her, Sabrina discovers that she's the object of a psychopath's twisted delusion . . . and there may be no escape.
Purchase Link
Amazon US
A native Phoenician, Maegan’s stories are meant to make you wonder what the guy standing in front of you in the Starbucks line has locked in his basement, and feel a strong desire to sleep with the light on.
When she isn’t busy fulfilling her duties as Domestic Goddess for her high school sweetheart turned husband, Joe, and their four children, she is locked in her office with her computer, her coffee pot and her Rhodesian Ridgeback, and one true love, Jade.
Twitter ~ Blog ~ Goodreads ~ Website ~ Facebook
5 stars,
Book #3,
Book Chatter Promotions,
Favorite Author,
Maegan Beaumont,
Must Read,
Promises to Keep,
Sabrina Vaughn,
August 10, 2015
Blog Tour ~ A Rancher For Rosie by Molly Ann Wishlade
Author: +Molly Wishlade
Title: A Rancher for Rosie
Series: The Duggans of Montana
Number in series: #2
Publisher: Totally Bound
Excerpt 2 - 18+
He finished unbuttoning Rosie’s housedress and
gently pushed the material apart. His heart thundered at what he saw. His cock
hardened and his mouth dried up. A thin cotton chemise covered her breasts and
her dark nipples showed through the thin material.
“Oh Rosie.”
“Joshua. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong sweetheart. It’s just…you’re so
beautiful. I want you so much.”
“I want you too, my love.”
She sat up and he smiled at the hay caught in her
hair. Her eyes shone, her lips were red and slightly parted. She didn’t appear
innocent right now with her dress gaping and her come-to-bed gaze.
She shrugged her arms out of her dress and pushed
it to her waist then knelt and took his hands in hers. “Do you want to
“Then do.”
She placed his fingers on the lacing of her corset
and helped him to undo the bow.
His fingers shook as he loosened the laces until he
could free her from the restrictive undergarment. She lifted her arms and he
slipped it over her head. If she was nervous then she wasn’t letting it show.
Her sudden confidence aroused him further because it convinced him that she
wanted him, that it was acceptable to do this here and now.
Joshua dropped the corset on the hay then returned
his gaze to her. Through the white cotton, he could make out the perfect orbs
of her breasts. He had fondled them before, shyly, over her clothing but never
seen them naked. Now he would.
He reached trembling hands towards the woman he
loved but stopped before he actually touched her.
“This is what I want, Joshua.”
“It is?”
Rosie leaned forward so that her breasts pushed
into his hands. Full. Round. Warm. Soft.
“Stand up. I need to get this dress off you.” His
voice was husky, so low that it was barely audible.
She did as he commanded and he tugged the dress
down. She stood before him in just her chemise and stockings. He helped her out
of her boots then rested his hands on the hot smooth skin of her thighs. As if
reading his thoughts, Rosie slid down to her knees which meant that his hands
pushed the flimsy material of her chemise up. He gasped as her upper thighs
were revealed to him. No bloomers. The blood rushed through his head and he
took deep gulps of air for a moment to steady himself.
When the spots had stopped dancing before his eyes,
he eased Rosie onto her back again and nudged her legs apart. At the edge of
the white undergarment, he could make out the shadow of dark hair which covered
her sex. It took all of his strength not to whip out his cock and thrust into
her instantly. But he wouldn’t do that to her. This was Rosie. The woman he
adored. The woman he wanted to love and protect all his days. The fact that she
had such an effect on him could only be a good thing. Not only did he love her,
but desire her too. He would be gentle, tender, take things slowly.
Savor this precious moment. Their first time.
Molly Ann Wishlade has always been an avid reader and writer of stories. She regularly indulges her love of romance and passion by getting lost in the delicious worlds created by romantic novelists. When not reading, she's busy with her current WIP, usually her next highly erotic tale about sexy and saucy cowboys and their lady loves - and sometimes their gorgeous male lovers too.
She wants to take readers on the rollercoaster that is life through the creation of vivid characters, relationships and worlds.
She loves to hear from readers.
She loves to hear from readers.
Blog: Hot Sensual Romance
Twitter: @misswishlade
Book Tour hosted by:
A Rancher For Rosie,
Blog Tour,
Molly Ann Wishlade
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