Title: The Three Lost Kids and The Death of the Sugar Fairy
(The Three Lost Kids #4)
Author: Kimberly Kinrade
Release Date: October 2nd 2012
Publisher: Evolved Publishing
Source: Received from I.O Book Tours

Halloween is here and
Lexie, Bella and Maddie couldn't be happier. But why does everything
feel so different? Fewer houses are decorated and fewer kids are out
trick-or-treating. Still, that's not going to stop the three girls from
eating as much candy as they can before their parents can stop them,
even if that means fighting each other for it.
When they finally
discover a haunted house worthy of their favorite holiday, they forget
their parents' warnings and go in alone, only to discover that the house
really is haunted, and not only that, but they've been transported to a
whole different world!
A dying Sugar Fairy in one of the
abandoned rooms send them on a quest to find her Sugar Baby and the
magic Sugar Flower in order to save her and Halloween. If they fail,
Halloween will be gone forever, and they'll never return to their
But with Sugar Bug attacks, the Cavity Caves where they
must face their deepest fears, and giant gummy bears armed with candy
cane swords, the girls aren't sure they'll make it.
Their only
chance is to work together, using each of their strengths to help each
other. Can they stop fighting over candy long enough? Or will they be
trapped in the dying Sugar Land forever?
My Thoughts
I love reading children's books, especially if its a book I can read with one of my own daughters :)
This book was a lovely, well written story, with adorable characters and great imagery. I especially enjoyed the portrayal of the Mom and Dad with their hand holding and kissing. It's so refreshing to see lovey-dovey parents :)
I really enjoyed reading this with my daughter, it was light and fun, but encourages kids to make healthy choices too.
The Death of the Sugar Fairy was a very sweet (pun intended!) story indeed, and gets 4 out of 5 stars from me ;]
Here's what my Miss 10 had to say about the book...
This book was really fun to read, I really liked when the girls scoffed the candy in their mouths when their parents weren't looking, thats something I would do! All the sweets and candy make me want to eat it all for myself.
The haunted house that they visited was pretty spooky, and I would be really scared to go there. But Bella, Maddie, and Lexie got pretty cool powers when they went to Sugarland, that part was really cool.
I can't wait to read the rest of this series, I really like them (The Three Lost Kids), I give this book 4 Stars ;]
First 3 books in series |
Now I was lucky enough to have a chance to ask the author a few questions, here's my interview with Kimberly :)
1. What are three quirky, interesting, or little known facts you can tell us
about yourself?
1: My
brother was my best friend growing up, and we used to create elaborate games in
our neighborhood, where we were in magical worlds and everything and everyone
took on a double meaning. We could play at this for hours, and we even expanded
some of these games to continue into adulthood.
2: I had
many businesses as a kid. I created a museum of fossilized rocks in my
grandparents' backyard and charged annual admission rates, and I even went pro
with my writing once I ran out of teeth to sell to the Tooth Fairy. I'd write
short stories and poetry and sell it to neighbors door-to-door.
3: I never
get writer's block, ever.
2. Who are some of your favorite authors?
I'm glad you
didn't ask me to pick just one! :) C.S. Lewis, Neil Gaiman, Patti
Larsen, Lane Diamond, Dmytry Karpov (my husband—he's amazing!), T.G. Ayer,
Emlyn Chand, Patrick Rothfuss. This is a short list, but as you can see it spans
many genres and styles!
*Ohh, we share some favourites Kimberly - I love C.S. Lewis, Neil Gaiman, and T.G. Ayer too!*
3. What books do you have on your ‘to be read’ pile?
The Silver Sphere by Michael Dadich, Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake, and
Days of Blood & Starlight by
Laini Taylor.
4. What have been the biggest challenges and/or surprises you’ve faced as a
My biggest
challenge is two-fold. Scheduling and outlining. For one, I have too many ideas
and not nearly enough time to write them all, so I'm constantly over committing
and am therefore constantly running behind on deadlines, which I hate. To that
end, I have had to force myself to become a plotter, when I really prefer to
just write in the flow. But plotting allows me to see the whole story before I
start, thereby avoiding any major plot holes or problems that would require
major rewriting (and loads of time I don't have.)
5. What has
been the hardest thing about writing children’s books?
Staying in the voice of a child, without talking down
to the reader. It's always my goal to offer a fun but challenging read to new
or young readers, so they learn new words, think in new ways, but don't feel so
overwhelmed that they give up. It's hard, but so worth it, to find that
6. Did your stories/characters manifest themselves in dreams/daydreams, voices
in your head etc, or do you sit down and purposely create them?
A combination of dreams, daydreams, talks with my kids
and voices in my head. (Don't I sound crazy now? LOL) I don't sit down to
purposely create them until I already have a strong idea screaming to be
written, then it's just a matter of fleshing out and asking the all important
question: What happens next?
7. Favorite movie and/or TV show?
I have many, and it usually changes by the season.
Right now, my favorite TV show is Pretty Little Liars (Or Vampire Diaries). My
favorite movie is impossible to say, I like so many.
*I LOVE TVD, I'm a Damon girl!*
8. Favorite actor and/or actress?
I love Anne Hathaway, Robert Downey Jr., Hugh Jackman,
Sean Connery and Gabriel Byrne, for starters :)
9. Who is your ultimate swoon worthy man? (Other than your hubby!)
Other than my hubby?? Well, I don’t know, I'm married
to a sexy Russian Prince, it doesn't get much more swoon worthy than that. But
if I HAD to pick… hmm… I'd have to say Hugh Jackman.
*not a bad choice...personally I'm thinking Gerard Butler!*
10. What is the most daring thing you have ever done or hope to do?
I've done a
lot of daring things in my life, but probably the most daring was trusting my
heart when I fell in love with a man I met on Twitter, and moved in with him
the first time we met in person. We're now madly in love, happily married, and
are co-writing books together. Sometimes being daring pays off big!
*You're definitely braver than me :)*
Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions Kimberly, its been an absolute pleasure having you
:)Thanks for the great questions and thank you SO MUCH for having me on
your site! :)
The inspiration :)