As a reader I'm looking for an honest review.
And as a reviewer/blogger its what I strive to provide.
I want to know what you didn't like about a book as much as I want to know why you loved it.
I started this blog because I was frustrated.
Frustrated with all the raving reviews, the endless 5 star ratings and over the top exuberance that some people had for books that I didn't.
I'm not saying they were wrong, I'm just saying that my opinion often differed.
I'd hear about an absolute gem of a book, a must read with its numerous 5 star ratings and think..."Wow, it must be a fantastic book" and off to the shop I'd go.
Only to be despondent several days later and $20 poorer with the disappointingly boring* and/or over hyped* read.
Surely I couldnt be the only person on the planet that felt this way about that book...could I?
And so My Book Chatter was born.
A place for me to voice my opinion.
After a little detective work on facebook, I discovered that there are a few authors out there who really hate a bad or so-so review and will sometimes even launch a campaign against a reviewer on Amazon or Goodreads to bombard the poor person in question with negative comments!
In some cases I have even seen an author ask his/her supporters to write a flurry of 5 star reviews in order to get the rating back up.
I am by no means the review police, but its safe to say that this type of behaviour is a sure fire way to turn me off both the author and their book.
Its NOT honest, and in my opinion its NOT moral either.
It is okay to not like the same books as everyone else, it is okay to say you didn't and you shouldn't be afraid to voice that opinion.
Which brings me to another point: Respect
I will never go after an author personally, or in any way degrade the author for what they have written regardless of my opinion of their work.
And that goes for other reviewers and bloggers also.
I may not always agree with someone regarding a book, but I respect their right to that opinion.
Sadly, it has been my own experience that others do not feel the same way.
What the %@*#!! |
I have received hate emails.
Spiteful comments on my reviews.
Personal attacks and aggressive PMs on facebook.
In my case it was because I didn't particularly like a book that they felt was the best thing since sliced bread.
Yes, some people love a book so much that when I disagree with their opinion, they react by calling me every name under the sun and spamming my inbox with hateful threats.
Its a tough world out here in the blogesphere.
I guess all I'm really trying to say is...
I write honest reviews based on my opinion only.
That doesn't mean I am right or wrong, its just my opinion.
Please respect mine and I'll respect yours :)
End of rant!!
*Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.